FINA World Junior Championships 2022 Diving Data

ANOVA for difference in means
Pairwise Comparisons
Fisher’s LSD
Tukey’s HSD
Preliminary diving results of womens 16-18 1m springboard from the 2022 FINA World Junior Championships.

Emma Deering

St. Lawrence University

Robin Lock

St. Lawrence University


April 15, 2024


Please note that these material have not yet completed the required pedagogical and industry peer-reviews to become a published module on the SCORE Network. However, instructors are still welcome to use these materials if they are so inclined.


The FINA Junior World Diving Championships is a elite dive meet where top divers around the world under the age of 18 compete. Each diver completed 9 dives, all of which contributed to their overall score. Each dive is scored by 7 judges. Each judge gives a score individually on a scale of 1-10 at half-point increments based on execution of the dive. 10 represents perfect execution, while 0 represents failed execution. The two lowest and the two highest scores of the judges are voided, and the other three are added together. The sum of the three judges is then multiplied by the difficulty of the attempted dive. The product represent the points earned for that dive. The overall score is calculated by adding together the points earned on each dives.

In this worksheet, we will determine if there are statistical differences in mean total points scored between 16, 17, and 18-year old divers. Understanding how total score differs between different aged divers may tell us something about the importance of age, experince, and skill level in scoring points in diving.

Preliminary video ideas

By the end of this activity, you will be able to:

  1. Conduct and interpret a difference in means hypothesis test.

  2. Conduct and interpret a difference in means ANOVA test.

  3. Understand how mean can differ between groups.

Technology requirement: The activity handout provides summary statistics so that no statistical software is required. However, the activity could be modified to ask students to conduct hypothesis tests through a statistical software, produce that information from the raw dataset, and/or extend the activity to investigate other variables available in the data.

  1. Hypothesis Tests: Knowledge of hypothesis tests are vital to this activity. Familiarity with hypothesizes, test statistics, degrees of freedom, and p-values are important for the completion of this worksheet.

  2. ANOVA: Understanding and familiarity with the concept of ANOVA tests are important in order to further analyze the data through pairwise comparisons.

  3. Familiarity with basic statistical analysis techniques and terms, specifically mean, categorical variables, and quantitative variables, are important conceptual concepts needed in the aiding in this activity.


The data set contains 360 rows and 15 columns. Each row represents a completed dive from a diver in the preliminary results of women (aged 16-18) 1m springboard from the 2022 FINA World Junior Championships. Each diver completed 9 dives, so there is 9 rows per diver.

Download data: divingdata.csv

Variable Descriptions
Variable Description
LastName The last name of the diver
Country The country the diver was competing for
Age The age of the diver
TotalPoints The overall points the diver had earned at the end of the meet
DiveNum The order in which the dives were performed
DiveName The coded name of the dive
Difficulty The difficulty of the dive
Judge1 The score that judge 1 awarded the dive
Judge2 The score that judge 2 awarded the dive
Judge3 The score that judge 3 awarded the dive
Judge4 The score that judge 4 awarded the dive
Judge5 The score that judge 5 awarded the dive
Judge6 The score that judge 6 awarded the dive
Judge7 The score that judge 7 awarded the dive
Points Overall points the individual dive earned

Data Source

World Aquatics. (2022). FINA World Junior Diving Championships 2022.


Class handout - Two-sample Tests - Comparisons with two-sample tests for means

Class handout - ANOVA - No data (summary given - does not require a datafile)

Class handout - ANOVA - Needs Data (requires the datafile)

Class handout - Two-sample Tests - Key

To Be Written …