Football Recruiting and Impact in the NFL

data wrangling
Cleaning and analyzing football data for top high school wide receivers who played in the NFL in 2023.

Brendan Karadenes

St. Lawrence University

Robin Lock

St. Lawrence University


July 17, 2024


For this activity, you will be exploring football wide receivers that graduated high school from 2013 to 2019 and committed to Division 1 universities. Also, the data includes NFL players who were targeted for receptions during the 2023 season.

In particular, you will modify datasets and analyze the data using visualizations to compare and contrast receivers in the NFL.

Investigating this data is useful for several reasons. First, exploring the data can help us understand the accuracy of high school recruiting data and how it relates to performance in the NFL. Also, cleaning and working with the data provides opportunities to gain impactful insights into both productivity in the NFL and what places players are recruited from. Analyses like these can help scouts find and recruit the players that will have the most impact on their team and help win games.

This activity would be suitable for an in-class example or quiz.

By the end of the activity, you will be able to:

  1. Clean and merge data
  2. Find summary statistics in R or similar software
  3. Analyze and create simple visualizations

For this activity, students will primarily use R or similar software in order to clean and modify data. Students should also have basic knowledge of means and visualizations.

The provided worksheets require R or similar software.

Since the data are provided, instructors are encouraged to modify the worksheets to have student construct visualizations and clean data using whichever software they choose.


The data contains 3965 rows and 37 columns. Each row represents a football player who either was targeted for receptions in the NFL in 2023 and/or was recruited to play Division 1 football from the years 2013-2019.

Download data:

Available on the SCORE Data Repository

Data: College_NFL_WR.csv

Variables from Rk to Id contains data from the 2023 NFL season for all players that were targeted for a reception that season (not just wide receivers). Variables from AthleteId to FipsCode contains high school recruiting data for wide receivers from 2013-2019.

Variable Descriptions
Variable Description
Rk rank based on number of receptions
Player first and last name of the player
Tm NFL team
Age age in years of player
NFL_Position player position in the NFL
G number of games played
GS number of games started
Tgt total times targeted for a pass
Rec total number of receptions
Catch_Pct percentage of passes caught
Yds total number of receiving yards
Yd_per_Reception average number of yards per reception
TD number of receiving touchdowns
First_Downs number of first downs
Success_Rate player gains 40% of yards to go on first down, 60% on second down, or 100% on third or fourth down
Lng longest reception in yards
Yd_per_Target number of receiving yards per target
Rec_per_Game number of receptions per game
Yd_per_Game number of yards per game
Fmb number of fumbles
Id identification number of the player in the dataset
AthleteId unique id number for each recruit
RecruitType type of school the player got recruited from (i.e. high school)
Year player’s high school graduation year
Ranking prospect ranking (1 = best)
School name of school being recruited out of
CommittedTo college player is committed to play at
Height player’s height in inches when recruited
Weight player’s weight in pounds when recruited
Stars ranking based on chance in play in college or NFL from 0-5 (5 = best chance)
Rating rating of prospect from 0 to 1 (1 = best)
City home city of the prospect
State home US state/Canadian province of the player (including Washington DC)
Country home country of the prospect (either US or Canada)
Latitude latitude of the player’s hometown
Longitude longitude of the player’s hometown
FipsCode FIPS code of the player’s hometown

Data Sources

NFL receptions data from the 2023 season:

Pro Football Reference

High school recruiting data from 2013-2019:

College Football Data


We provide editable MS Word and Quarto handouts along with their solutions. The Word handouts are designed for in-class quizzes when students do not have access to R. The Quarto documents are designed for students with access to R.

Word handout

Word handout - with solutions

Quarto handout

Quarto handout - with solutions

In conclusion, the football analyzing and cleaning data worksheet provides valuable learning experiences in several key areas. First, it allows students to understand the importance of tidy data and how clean data is easier to analyze. Also, creating and analyzing visualizations gives students an opportunity to be creative while also making important discoveries. All in all, this worksheet allows students to analyze the relationship between high school football recruitment and performances in the NFL such as how a better recruiting ranking in high school was correlated to more receiving yards in the 2023 NFL season.